Our Services


Huwen Professional Accounting Services

Full-time Professional Accounting Services on a Part-time Budget!

Huwen Professional Services (Pty) Ltd – “Huwen” – has the ability to professionally assist you with the following services:

Statutory Services making sense of the maze of regulations

#Registration of new companies (standard, special MOI and NPO), providing standard shelf companies, Trusts (Family and Business) and attending to statutory changes thereto.

#Conversion of Close Corporations to private companies.

#Maintaining the statutory registers and minute books at our offices.

#Appointment/resignation of directors, public officers, company secretaries, etc.

#Transferring shares, allotment of shares, issuing of share certificates and the payment of the Securities Transfer Tax to the South African Revenue Service through E-Filing.

#Special resolutions relating to changes to the Memorandum and Articles of Association such as name changes, adoption of new Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI), etc.

#Changing the financial year-end of the Company.

#Appointing/resigning the auditor of the Company.

#Changing the registered details of the Company.

#Submission of CIPC annual returns and if so required the reinstatement of CIPC deregistered entities.

#Deregistration of companies.


Accounting Services accurate, timeous, qualified and cost effective

#Record keeping of financial data.

#Debtors & Creditors control.

#Monthly reporting as per client specifications.

#Submission of SARS periodical returns (PAYE, VAT, Dividend Tax, Income Tax, etc.).

#Fixed Asset Registers.

#Management and/or Annual Financial Statements.

#Independent Review of Annual Financial Statements.

#Provisional and annual tax returns.


Payrollpackages structured on specific needs

#Domestic Workers & UIF assistance.

#Creating professional payslips which shows the basic salary, leave available or taken, balances of staff loans, etc.

#Calculating the monthly/weekly taxes payable to SARS and the Department of Labour.

#Submitting the monthly EMP201 to SARS.

#Managing payment for employee taxes to SARS each month.

#Creating the bi-annual and annual EMP501 to SARS (which is a summary of the employee taxes declared and paid over and the IRP5’s).

#Submitting monthly UIF declarations to the Department of Labour.

#Registering employees for income tax reference numbers.

#Compensation Fund.


SARS staying compliant

#Registrations – Income Tax (Individual & Corporate), PAYE, VAT, Import & Export Licenses.

#Submissions – Corporate & Individual.

#Update registered particulars.

#Resolve account(s) or compliance related issues.

#Lodge and pursue an objection against an assessment raised or decision made by SARS.

#File and pursue an appeal against an assessment raised or decision made by SARS.

#Apply for deregistration in respect of the tax/taxes.

#Tax Clearance Certificates.

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