Income and Company Tax

Huwen Professional Services (Pty) Ltd – “Huwen” – provide Tax Related Services for Individuals, Partnerships, Close Corporations, Private Companies, Trusts and Non-Profit Organisations.

All individuals earning the following types of income:
• Salary, Taxable Allowance and Taxable Fringe Benefits.
• Rental Income from one or more Investment Properties.
• Local as well as foreign interest and dividends received from an investment portfolio.
• Capital gain made from the sale of one or more fixed properties (including primary residence).
• Pension, provident and retirement fund lump sum benefits received.
• Pensioners.
• Sole Proprietor Businesses.

• Personal Income Tax for each of the partners of the partnership – including a personal balance sheet.

Close Corporations
• Submission of the annual Close Corporation Tax return to SARS – accompanied by the Annual Financial Statements for the particular Close Corporation.

Private Companies
• Submission of the annual Private Company Tax return to SARS – accompanied by the Annual Financial Statements for the particular Private Company.

• Submission of the annual Trust Income Tax return to SARS – accompanied by the Annual Financial Statements for the particular Trust.

Non-Profit Organisations
• Submission of the annual Return of Income Exempt Organisations to SARS – accompanied by the Annual Financial Statements for the particular Non-Profit Organisation.

Send us an email request to assist you with your Income and Company Tax or simply complete and submit the form below to enable us to contact you.

When sending us an email, please ensure the following:
*Put – “Income and Company Tax” and the specific entity; such as either “Individual” or “Partnership” or “Close Corporation” or “Private Company” or “Trust” or “Non-Profit Organisation” – in the Subject area.
*Put – A short descriptive message of your request.
*Please provide us with a name and contact number (telephone or cell phone) of the person that should be contacted before the email is submitted.

When completing the form below, please ensure the following:
*Please provide as with a name and surname in the Your Name area.
*Please ensure your email address is correctly captured in the Your Email area.
*Put – “Income and Company Tax” and the specific entity; such as either “Individual” or “Partnership” or “Close Corporation” or “Private Company” or “Trust” or “Non-Profit Organisation” – in the Subject area.
*Put – A short descriptive message of your request – in the Your Message area.
*Please provide us with a name and contact number (telephone or cell phone) of the person that should be contacted in the Your Message area before the form is submitted.

The above mentioned will enable us to reach the correct person and thereby ensure the prompt response to your request.

Thank you for your interest in our services. Have a blessed day.

Your Name & Surname: (required)

Your Email: (required)

Your Contact Number: (required)

Subject: (required)

Your Message: (required)